About Della Credicott

My name is Della Credicott and I created Must Be Victoria to give me a way to share this amazing place with you and help you to find something to see, do or experience every single day. 

My first visit to Victoria BC was in December 1996 - just in time for my nephew's second birthday and the colossal snow storm that people still talk about around here! Coming from Ontario, the snow didn’t bother me one bit – in fact I found it quite comical that people were “shoveling” snow with a dust pan and the city was shut down for days. Despite all the weather-related calamities, that visit didn't deter me in the least and I moved here for the first time in the summer of 1997. 

Shortly after I arrived, my sister hosted a "my favourite things" party for me. She invited her entire circle of friends with one request - tell Della about your favourite things to see and do in Victoria. And they did not disappoint!

I was introduced to some of the region’s best hiking and cycling trails, a bakery that is still one of my favourites (Bond Bonds), China Town, Mount Doug and much, much more. I fell in love with the city, the scenery, the weather and the seemingly endless variety of things to do. 

In 2002 I moved back to Ontario with my fiancé, with the hope that one day we would be able to move back to Victoria. Fortunately, that opportunity presented itself in 2008 and we moved back to the Island as a family with our young son - with no intention of leaving this time!

Over the years that I’ve been able to call Greater Victoria home, I have lived in Colwood, Saanich, Victoria and View Royal (there are 13 municipalities that make up Greater Victoria). I’ve lived here as a single person, as part of a couple and as a family. Throughout the years I have discovered heaps of activities that are suitable for every age. I have also been fortunate to travel the Island and discover some back roads and places that make pretty cool day trips. 

My love for this city - the incredible scenery, the temperate climate and the long, long list of activities that help me want to get outside every day of the year led me to the idea of this website. This website is my favourite things party just for you!

Solo Build It!

This site has information on festivals and events in the region, some of my favourite places to go, a directory of local crafters and artisans and of course, some of the popular activities, attractions and sites that tourists are most interested in. 

I recently transitioned to retirement (highly recommend it :)) which has allowed me to get out more often, discover more places, take more photos and have more time to write about this fantastic place to share with you. This website is growing steadily since I started it in 2018 and I am thrilled to see how many new visitors discover it everyday. You make it all worthwhile!

Even though I had no experience building a website when I first started, I am able to do so with SBI (Solo Build It) which is a system by a company called SiteSell. SBI has given me the tools to build a successful website, including an incredibly supportive community of like-mind entrepreneurs. I have always considered myself a creative person but not a “writer”. Using the tools that SBI provides though, I have not only learned how to write using my own “voice” but I learned everything else I need to know build a successful online business. 

Use these links to learn more about SiteSell and SBI

Whether you live here or visit here, I hope Must Be Victoria inspires you to get out and explore the Capital Region. 

Della Credicott lives with her family in beautiful Victoria BC.

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